I get to learn so much about my clients as we tour homes and make their dreams come true but today I thought it would be fun to share things you might not know about me!
I helped teach a nun how to take a selfie bonus points when I get to the pearly gates!
I am on a quest to find the best dumplings. I can literally eat them every day of the week!
My favorite city to visit is Savannah, GA and we go there every year for our anniversary!
One of my legs is longer than the other one and I had to wear a "frog brace" when I was a baby.
I begin every day writing down the 3 things I'm grateful for it truly helps my mindset and makes me happy!
Champagne is my favorite thing to drink the bubbles make me smile! Yet another thing I'm grateful for!
I have a CRAZY high tolerance to pain I gave birth to a toddler sized child without pain meds!
I was on TV as a kid yes I was, email me and I'll tell you what show!
I want to learn how to meditate but every single time I try I fall asleep!
My husband and I met at a Pat Green concert in Chicago and someone bumped into him and he poured a beer on my head! We were married 4 months later!